Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I have been brave, and also cowardly, I think, to shut out the world for the past few weeks. I haven't been watching CNN, haven't been reading your blogs, haven't even unwrapped my beloved morning paper or clicked on since Katrina touched down. Once, at four in the morning, I accidentally stumbled on an Internet headline that read, "Thousands Feared Drowned in New Orleans."

I cried. Now I avoid the news smidgets on my homepage.

My memories of New Orleans are sketchy but tinged with the bright, bold colors of a masquerade. For my high school self, the city was as much a performance as a place - and it was one of my favorites among my family's many road trip destinations.

I can't believe I will not take my children to the same place I remember. I wish the world - and the country - my daughter lived in had not seen tragedy like this, although this is nowhere close to the first incident of its kind.

A news junkie, I've had to make a concerted effort to concentrate on my daughter's sweet face instead of the tortured faces of thousands who are suffering in the South. And shopping today with E., who was dispatched to Biloxi, I had to hold the questions inside. Although part of me feels guilty, I don't want to know what she saw.

Of course, I understand what happened as well as anyone else can. Not the details, but the meat of it. No amount of reading and viewing can bring the reality of a loss like this home.

My body, my heart, must be singly focused on creating love, making food and giving warmth to a single beautiful soul. I can't bear to look, or I worry I'll pass my sorrow and frustration on to my daughter, through milk or through mood. My bank account, however, will be directed toward giving food and warmth to a few souls in New Orleans.

E. and the other reporters covering the storm are some of my heroes. Knowing the sacrifices they made in the wake of the storm - the dangers they ran toward and risks they took without hesitating - has reinforced my decision to leave reporting and make mothering my job. Despite my longing to be out in the trenches, doing what I love and doing good for the world, I know that nurturing the little world in my arms is more important.


Blogger e said...

I know I for one fully support your decision. You have someone so much more important to care you and nurture. All of my love to you!

10:53 AM  
Blogger e said...

That should read "to care for". FYI.

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really think your ignorance is protecting your daughter?

1:54 PM  
Blogger tmaris said...

To each his own... no need to get snarky. Just because you choose to wallow in CNN all day doesn't mean we all have to. There's no ignorance about it... she knows what happened, she understands it, she made her donation to charity. But seeing thousands of needy people hour asfter hour on TV and reading story after story is not going to change things or make them better.

4:14 PM  
Blogger e said...

In fact, watching images of terror and horror can make us desensitized to the events themselves. Take 9/11 for instance - the sight of the towers falling does not have the same effect on me. I think it's important to stay informed, but LittleRazz has a newborn to care for. In case you didn't know, they take up a lot of time and energy.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Etan said...

Yeah! and I heard nursing mothers shouldn't read the newspaper because sadness and depression can transmit from mother to child via boob juice!

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these random "Anonymous" are pathetic... Any intelligent person knows you protect your child or children from the images, stories and chaos of events like this. My 4 year old has no idea it happend, we even spent the weekend at Disneyland...she didn't have a care in the world. As she shouldn't ... I know whats happend, and what I've dont to help but like LitleRazz, I dont watch any news about the events or havent even turned the tv on much as to keep my child protected.

Anonymous ~ I feel sorry for your children, or your future children.

11:34 AM  
Blogger m said...

I can't watch the stuff either. It makes my heart ache. It makes me feel empty and paralyzed. It's tragic, and the victims of the hurricane and flooding are in my thoughts and prayers.

Personally, I think you can stay informed and not have to watch the news with footage of horrific scenes to get the picture. The whole idea of staring at the TV with all of that on with my kids sitting beside me makes my stomach turn. I am not ignorant. I am not uncaring. It's that I have to care about my here and now, in addition to this tragedy. To be so ingrossed in CNN that I forget my commitments as a mother is irresponsible.

Choosing to not up the news station's ratings isn't ignorance.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's fine if you've decided to leave the reporting ranks but you could at least have the courtesy of making it official.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not the same anonymous who made the comment about ignorance.
That said, all I'm saying is that L. should at least have the courtesy of officially quitting, rather than taking money from the company and keeping a job open that she knows she's not returning to. And there are several of us who think so.

10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok well you may not be the same person, but your an addition to the lame people who add rediculious comments and cant even leave your name.

In regards to your comment about "taking the companies money"...

I cannot tell you how many people friends, family and co workers alike that I've known of that do no terminate employment or resign until their maternity leave is over. That is a right that every woman on maternity leave has so back off!

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What L. did is well within her rights... she has to take care of herself first. Business is business and in the long run, we all just want to get ahead. What she's doing is no worse that all the people there who continue to take teh company's money and do nothing all day.

2:39 PM  

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