Tuesday, August 23, 2005


My child weighs more than 11 lbs.

Thanks to sacrifices made by myself and my mother, my husband slept through the night last night.

I have yet to go more than three hours without feeding my child from the human milk factory.


Blogger Lisa said...

I have a friend who made up a song about breastfeeding... I only remember a couple of the lyrics, but they are funny and TRUE!

Its the boobie buffet...
Open 24 hours a day...
'cause Sasha has it her way!

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi l,
glad to hear the breastfeeding is going well. but i have to tell you: breastfed babies tend to sleep through the night later than formula babies. my son (now 3) was still waking me up until he was several months old.
but yet, i miss the nursing. it is such a wonderful closeness, an experience like no other. i wouldn't have done it any differently.
besides they're only this little once. that's how i justify the lack of sleep that i endured for all those months.
take care.

6:13 PM  
Blogger tmaris said...

It was great to see you Sunday, Sasha is adorable! I hope Con gives you an equal reward sometime soon... you deserve it.

6:07 PM  

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