No Quitter
I started this blog as a means of chronicling Husband and my journey toward parenthood. One day, I figured our children would like reading who their parents were before they were Mom and Dad. Little Yellow House turned into my best tool for keeping in touch with people I love around the world. It's also place to blow off steam and connect with people in similar situations.
Of course I knew this was a public forum and many Sentinel folks were readers. I honestly don't mind divulging personal details here. And I could care less that the Weekly finds my blog boring, considering I find the Weekly quite boring.
The main this is that I'd rather my editors not read my every thought on the big decisions I'm in the midst of making right now - many of which are contained in older posts. And, frankly, I only had an hour to figure out what I was going to do, because I wasn't going to miss girls' night for a blurb in some weekly. So I hid (not deleted!) my archives.
I still haven't given the situation the thought it deserves, and I probably won't be able to very soon because the babes takes up 110% of my time, the house is a wreck, and I have company coming into town this weekend for her naming.
Here's what I'm sure of: I'm going to continue blogging. If you're an important friend, you will have daily (or near-daily) coverage of my life for the forseeable future. But I'm not sure where, and I'm not sure how.
When I know, you'll know.
Hi, I'm an anonymous reader. I find your chronicles funny, inspiring and very well written.
It's a pleasure to read Little Yellow House and I enjoy the baby updates greatly.
If you go, you'll be missed! You may consider to leave some directions for those interested.
Take care, melina
Poor weekly, they're just jealous.
I don't know you. I've never met you, and I most likely never will. I don't even quite remember how I stumbled onto your blog, but whenever I have a free minute at work, I love to read it. I married young, like you, and although my husband and I aren't planning on children in the very near future, it's somewhere on the horizon. You make some great observations about not only being a mom, but being a wife, being young, and being human (favorite observation to date - your body being "recycled" post-birth -- I LOVED IT!). After your last blog, I thought I'd just let you know that I don't find your life boring in the least, but I definitely think that you are "about to change the world" by bringing up a beautiful daughter in the best way you possibly can. If more people could be like you, this world would be a MUCH better place to live in. I wish you and your family all the best of luck.
I'm glad you didn't delete your blog, and I'm glad that you are going to continue. I'm sorry that you had such negativity just kinda be plopped in your lap like that. The article, and then those nasty commenters; I hate to see something that has such joy and such love in it be judged like it's for sale or something. This isn't about them, and it's a shame that so many people think it is.
I think it's awesome that you are continuing even though you have so much else to do, and I think I can speak for the rest of us when I say that we will all have patience with you if you need time to figure out what to do next. We love reading about you, and we aren't judging you or setting deadlines or trying to demand anything from you. We'll be here when you are ready.(or at least all of us who have been hanging out, reading, laughing, crying and living it with you.)
Hi Lisa... It's been forever since we've talked or seen each other...
Your Daughter is beautiful and you guys sound like your doing amazing!!
Erica Sent me the link to your Blog and I can relate....
I've got a an almost five year old daughter now and its nice reading about the lil things your enjoying with Sasha now, makes me smile and remember the things I loved with Jaeden around that age.
Um, I definitely want to know where you're going. If you're going. It's sad when you have to hide/delete archives, but you gotta do what you gotta do. As long as you don't leave us hanging in the future! :)
Hope girls' night was fun. Post more pictures of Sasha soon!
ps... it was the weekly, so you should dis them. Not the business journal.
Fuck 'em all. I love your blog!
I think it is really sad all the Anonymous posts ...
Keep writing your Blogs...makes everyone who reads them smile!!
I'm another reader you don't know (a friend of a friend, that kind of thing), and over the past few months I've absolutely loved reading your story almost daily. You have such a beautiful way of putting intimate thoughts into words -- and you've certainly given me some valuable insights into married life, professional life and pregnancy. Before you go, I wanted to say I'm so happy for you and your husband and little Sasha. If you choose to write publicly again, please do let us know!
I don't think you should stop your blog. If anything, the added traffic will make it more interesting. You shouldn't have anything to hide from the editors - you are raising a beautiful baby in a lovely home with a terrific husband. If anything, you will only make them jealous.
I don't know why this got me so upset . . . I've had an online life for a long time now and I've dealt with many of the consequenses, but for some reason I just got so angry over the anonymous comments on the last entry. I read your blog because you're one of my best friends and I want to know what is going on in your life and because what you write is very entertaining and not boring in the least to ME. If it is boring to someone or if they are not your FRIEND then it is obviously not meant for them and WHY would they want to anonymously read and comment on SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE. GET A LIFE OF YOUR OWN, FUCKING LOSERS. Ok I'm done.
Although I don't know you in the offline world, I have enjoyed getting to know you and share our pregnancies. I do hope that I will be able to continue to read you wherever you end up if you would like to include me. Much love, Kirsten
I can appreciate that need for privacy. Whatever you do, I know it will be enjoyed by those who read it. And while I would love to be one of those readers, I realize you do not know me; I just hope things go well for you. Many blessings in your new venture as a mom...
You need better friends. Ones who can tell you you've been an complete asshat...
Reporters are going to remember you as "Poop Hole Girl." What a stupid mistake.
If I did think she was being a complete "asshat", I WOULD tell her . . . but she's not. Like I said before she's just writing a blog intended for her friends to read and enjoy, and anyone else who reads it, of course they might not find it iteresting, but WHO CARES. She's not writing the blog so random people will think it's interesting. If the person who wrote that article had a life of their own, maybe they wouldn't have to spend it reading these so-called boring blogs and writing a whole article about it. It must be a pretty low point in a writer's career to be writing an article bashing a completely normal every day person's personal blog. Sure anyone can read it, but that doesn't mean that it is written to cater to everyone who may stumble across it. Sorry I keep rambling on about this but I just can't believe that your life and JOB could be so meaningless that you have to reduce yourself to this.
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