Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Two days ago, my doctor laughed at me when I told him I thought I was showing. I had only gained two pounds, I have a defined waist, and my stomach is still relatively flat, although it protrudes from my hip bones in a way it has never done -- usually it is nearly concave.

Despite being laughed at by a medical professional, the accuracy of my observation was bolstered when an editor known for being a bit of a gossip apparently noticed my "belly" yesterday as I was talking to my boss' boss. As soon as I walked away, she promptly asked him if I was pregnant. It's a good dang thing I told my boss the day before. And seriously, how did she guess?!

This morning I told my complainy cube mate that I was going to make his baby daughter a friend around July. It took him a while to get it but all the women in the office swarmed me immediately.

So far, no one has said a thing about my age. When I said I was getting married, that's the first comment everyone made. I guess I underestimated people this time around. Either that or, being in college, I was telling too many 18-year-olds about the wedding.


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